Acta Bioethica <p>Acta Bioethica is a biannual publication by the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies in Bioethics of the University of Chile (ISSN 0717-5906, press edition, y 1726-569-X, electronic edition), which publishes in three languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.</p> <p>Indexed in Science Citation Index (SCI), Scopus, Lilacs, SciELO y Latindex, and in database from several Institutions; it constitutes a pluralistic source of perspectives and an important tribune which accepts the contributions of authors compromised with the interdisciplinary study of ethical determinants and consequences of techno scientific research.</p> <p>The journal edits a main topic per issue, with articles asked by an invited editor (specialist in the topic chosen), and it also includes a section of articles not solicited of various nature (interfaces), reviews of recent bioethical publications and other significant documents for the inter discipline. It also counts with an International Advisory Committee and a system of arbitration of manuscripts based on peer review.</p> <p>The journal is published on HTML and PDF format in SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and in PDF in the web site for journals of the University of Chile.</p> Universidad de Chile. Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética en-US Acta Bioethica 0717-5906 <p>Acta Bioethica&nbsp;is edited by the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethical Studies of the University of Chile and published under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.Intellectual property::The submission and evaluation of the manuscripts received implies that the author (s) declare that they are original and exclusive owners of the author's economic and moral rights over the article, in accordance with the provisions of Law 17.336 on Intellectual Property (Chile) In case of having used outside works in the creation of the article, in whole or in part, they declare that they have the respective authorizations or licenses of use of their respective owners or that their use is expressly protected by law.The author expressly releases from any subsequent responsibility to the Interdisciplinary Center of Studies in Bioethics of the University of Chile, for any legal, regulatory or contractual infraction that eventually commits or has committed in relation to the work, being obliged to repair any damage that results from the Infringement of these or other rights.The author authorizes the Interdisciplinary Center of Studies in Bioethics of the University of Chile, in order that, by itself or through third parties expressly authorized by it, exercise the rights that are specified below, with respect to the article sent:Publication, edition, reproduction, adaptation, distribution and sale of reproduced copies, including making available to the public online by electronic or digital means, of the article, in Castilian language, in any known territory, And for all types of printed edition in paper and electronic or digital, by its inclusion in the journal Acta Bioethica or another publication that publishes the Center.This authorization is conferred on a non-exclusive, free, indefinite, perpetual and non-revocable basis, as long as the corresponding rights subsist and release the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethical Studies of the University of Chile from any payment or remuneration for the exercise of Rights.The authors retain their copyright on their works, being able to reuse them as they decide.</p> Religious morality, secular morality and the search for moral relativism in the west This work aims to characterize religious and secular moralities in the West from a critical-diachronic point of view, seeking to identify spaces that cover moral relativism in solving complex bioethics issues. Concerns such as the destination of surplus embryos, for instance, usually raise polarized positionings without consensual solutions. With the presuppositions introduced on western culture through several events, mainly the principle of laicity, the view of morality widened. This work is reflexive, meta-ethical, with an interdisciplinary approach. It is a national and international literature review regarding the main points on religious and secular morality. We concluded that the present moral overview certainly includes moral relativism based on essential morality, one which can be represented by moral strangers and moral friends. Gilvana de Jesus do Vale Campos Alessandre Gomes de Lima Stela Marcos de Almeida Neves Barbas Copyright (c) 2023 Gilvana de Jesus do Vale Campos, Alessandre Gomes de Lima, Stela Marcos de Almeida Neves Barbas 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 147 163 Equity in health and justice: a look at the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) from the perspective of John Rawls This study addresses the issue of equity in health and justice from the perspective of public health bioethics, describing the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), equating legitimate interests for essential goods, such as health. The conception of John Rawls’ theory of justice is “justice as fairness” and has a seventeenth century contractualism tenor. Although it was not conceived specifically for health and marked by the “difference principle”, it promoted, in the field of health care, the institution of health systems created on the basis of universal access and equity in the distribution of scarce resources. The principles of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) guarantee access to all levels of care, equality in health care, without distinctions or privileges of any kind, integrity in health care, free of charge, community participation and decentralization, regionalization and hierarchization of health actions and services, which gives the SUS a strong Rawlsian bias. The Brazilian model was built on the principle that health is a right of all and a duty of the State, therefore, it is based on the assumption of universal and equal access to health actions and services for its promotion and recovery. Luiz Oscar Machado Martins Marcio Fernandes dos Reis Alfredo Chaoubah Guilhermina Rego Copyright (c) 2023 Luiz Oscar Machado Martins, Marcio Fernandes dos Reis, Alfredo Chaoubah, Guilhermina Rego 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 165 175 Intercultural competences from an intercultural ethical approach in the initial training of professionals in health sciences. An inescapable challenge Chile is a culturally diverse country, and this population must face difficulties related to health. This essay aims to reflect on intercultural competencies from an intercultural ethical approach, in the initial training of professionals in health sciences. The initial training in health sciences shows that health is lacking and decontextualized from the cultural reality. In order to evolve in this area, it is imperative to train professionals in intercultural competencies from an intercultural ethical approach. This will contribute to the recognition and understanding of otherness from their own culture, based on the relationship and exchange of experiences, knowledge, wisdom, among others. This requires intercultural dialogue between professionals and experts belonging to different health systems, in order to co-construct from health and disease. This will allow a timely and adequate response to health demands. It will also provide quality and dignified health care and attention. In effect, it will mitigate inequalities and injustices, while providing a fuller life to people living in a culturally diverse society. Juan Beltrán-Véliz Julio Tereucán Angulo Ana María Alarcón José Luis Gálvez-Nieto Nathaly Vera-Gajardo Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Beltrán-Véliz, Julio Tereucán Angulo, Ana María Alarcón, José Luis Gálvez-Nieto, Nathaly Vera-Gajardo 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 177 183 Post-modern bioethical stresses destination of surplus embryos: brazilian analysis and brief comparisons The objective of the present study is to point out tensions of the theoretical/practical universe that Bioethics is facing in Brazil, in the search for a praxis for the destination of surplus embryos. We consider that Bioethics analyzes the implications of such practices in society and in relationships between individuals. Brief data from other countries were presented to compare the Brazilian situation progressively from the conceptual point of view and the adoption of measures. The research is a scoping review on the main points that have been hindering the progress of discussions on the subject and consequently the respective solution. The legal status of the embryo was described from several perspectives and theories, with the resulting proposals for the destination of surplus embryos in their positive and negative aspects. The tensions of Bioethics were presented in the context of post-modernity and the consequent social and moral plurality, together with the difficulties of identifying a secular bioethical morality. In the end, we conclude the possibility of proclaiming a consensus on the destination of surplus embryos based on secular morality, supported by the figure of the “moral strangers”. Gilvana de Jesus do Vale Campos Alessandre Gomes de Lima Stela Marcos de Almeida Neves Barbas Copyright (c) 2023 Gilvana de Jesus do Vale Campos, Alessandre Gomes de Lima, Stela Marcos de Almeida Neves Barbas 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 185 196 Code of ethics for Brazilian medical students. A literature review In August 2018, the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), the body responsible for the supervision and standardization of medical professional practice in Brazil, published a national code of ethics for medical students (CEMS), which standardizes and suggests behaviors, based on the best moral and ethical values, for medical students, supporting the humanization of medicine and indirectly helping teachers and managers of medical courses. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the dissemination and awareness of scientific publications on the Brazilian CEMS code and consisted of an integrative literature review of all publications related to the Brazilian CEMS published from 2005 to the present. We found 4 studies related to regional and university codes of ethics for medical students published from 2005 to 2022, and regarding the CEMS elaborated by the FCM, we found a single study from its launch in 2018 to 2022. A CEMS has universal importance, facilitating the ethical and human development of future physicians, and despite its importance in the training of physicians, there is a lack of published research on the subject in Brazil. Jussara Mathias Netto Khouri Lilian Bahia Francisca Melo Pojal da Silva Rêgo Rui Manuel Lopes Nunes Copyright (c) 2023 Jussara Mathias Netto Khouri, Lilian Bahia, Francisca Melo Pojal da Silva Rêgo, Rui Manuel Lopes Nunes 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 197 204 Analysis of academic knowledge about the code of ethics for medicine students developed by the Federal Medicine Council of Brazil <p>Introduction: In 2018, the Federal Council of Medicine (FCM), the regulatory body of the medical profession in<br />Brazil, developed the Medical Student Code of Ethics (CEME), with the aim of positively influencing the conduct of future<br />doctors through ethical and humanitarian training. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify whether medical<br />students are aware and knowledgeable of the CEME. Materials and Methods: A field study was carried out with quantitative<br />and cross-sectional approaches. Subjects were medical students in the 1st to the 12th semesters at a Brazilian university.<br />Results: The survey results showed that most medical students (56%) did not know the CEME. Further, when examining<br />individual classes, grouped as first years (M1 to M8) and last years (M9 to M12), only 30% of the students in the first group<br />and 27% of the students in the last group were aware of the CEME. Conclusion: Most medical students, regardless of time<br />in school, are unaware of the CEME.</p> Jussara Mathias Netto Khouri Lilian Bahia Liga Acadêmica de Bioética Francisca Melo Pojal da Silva Rêgo Rui Manuel Lopes Nunes Copyright (c) 2023 Jussara Mathias Netto Khouri, Lilian Bahia, Liga Acadêmica de Bioética, Francisca Melo Pojal da Silva Rêgo, Rui Manuel Lopes Nunes 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 29 2 205 212 Dignified death in the Intensive Care Unit: How has it been conducted? The concept of dignified death or a good death has been widespread among health professionals, who routinely deal with it and experience the ethical dilemma about what should really be done in the face of a terminally ill patient. Given this, the present study aims to show the concepts and how cases of terminally ill patients have been conducted within the Intensive Care Units (ICU). To argue about the application and functionality of euthanasia, orthothanasia and dysthanasia in ICUs, a literature review of 14 articles was carried out. It was concluded that the knowledge that the professional has in relation to these themes needs to be taken into account and to distinguish the specific theme that is addressed, not forgetting to emphasize the rights provided for in the constitution and the well-being of the paciente and his family. Ivan Gregório Ivankovics Gislaine dos Santos Rodrigues Vieira Lucas Freitas Faleiro Thiago Felipe de Moraes Vieira Wdmila Gabriela Borges Romanini Weylla Silva Do Nascimento Carlos Rafael Hurtado Madueno Júnior Madueno Júnior Rui Nunes Copyright (c) 2023 Ivan Gregório Ivankovics, Gislaine dos Santos Rodrigues Vieira, Lucas Freitas Faleiro, Thiago Felipe de Moraes Vieira, Wdmila Gabriela Borges Romanini, Weylla Silva Do Nascimento, Carlos Rafael Hurtado Madueno Júnior, Madueno Júnior, Rui Nunes 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 213 217 Vulnerability and care from the nursing perspective: a review integrated literature Vulnerability is a concept widely used in the social sciences literature, and incorporated into the health field with the development of bioethics, and the model of social determinants of health. It has been described by experts as a complex concept, and very useful for addressing populations susceptible to illness. This ethically obliges nursing to identify these groups and respond to their care needs. Goal. To review the literature to analyze the intersections in the conceptual relationship between vulnerability and care, from a nursing perspective. Methodology. An integrative review of the literature was carried out based on the systematization proposed by Whittemore and Knafl. Literature from the last five years available in the Wos®, Scopus® and PubMed® databases was considered. The keywords “vulnerability” and “care” were used in the search strategy. Results. 18 articles were selected, coinciding with countries with health models with a social focus, such as Canada and Brazil. In the analysis, five themes were identified and described in which vulnerability and care intersect; ontological, epidemiological, social and bioethical paradigm, and the association between vulnerability and care needs. conclusions. The literature reports the close relationship between vulnerability and care, given that the nature of professional nursing care is the socially organized response to human vulnerability. Maggie Campillay-Campillay Cristina Yañez-Corrales Pablo Dubó Araya Isabel Sanjinés-Rodríguez Patricia Pizcoya-Angeles Patricia Chavarry-Ysla Copyright (c) 2023 Maggie Campillay-Campillay, Cristina Yáñez Corrales, Pablo Dubó Araya, Isabel Sanjinés-Rodríguez, Patricia Pizcoya-Ángeles, Patricia Echeverry 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 218 228 The Relationship Between COVID-19 Burnout and the Moral Sensitivity of Healthcare Professionals This study aimed to examine the relationship between the burnout of physicians and nurses and their moral sensitivity during the pandemic. This was a descriptive and correlational study. This study was carried out with physicians and nurses who were continuing to work actively during the pandemic. Snowboard sampling method was utilized. The total mean score of the participants on the MSQ was 90.78±19.10. The total mean score of the COVID-19 Burnout Scale was 34.52±9.65. A statistically weak and significant correlation was found between the COVID-19 Burnout Scale and the MSQ total score, as well as the “benefit” and “conflict” sub-dimensions. It was determined that as MSQ total scores, “benefit” and “conflict” scores decreased in healthcare workers, COVID-19 burnout scores increased. In our study, the moral sensitivity of the participants was found to be moderate, and their burnout levels were found to be high. Although there was a weak relationship, it was observed that burnout levels increased as moral sensitivity levels increased. It is crucial that we learn from pandemic experiences and transfer this knowledge to future generations. In particular, we must assimilate these important lessons into training in order to develop and protect the moral sensitivity of healthcare professionals. Şerife Yılmaz Gamze Özbek Güven Mehmet Demirci Mehmet Karataş Copyright (c) 2023 Şerife Yılmaz, Gamze Özbek Güven, Mehmet Demirci, Mehmet Karataş 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 229 236 Dental students’ empathy levels and opinions about attributes for “good dentist”: a cohort study Empathy is fundamental to the physician-patient relationship and influences the clinical outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the dental students’ empathy levels and to compare their opinions on attributes of a “good dentist”. This cohort research was included 79 dental students volunteering to participate in the study at a public university. The data were collected by the Dökmen’s Empathic Tendency Scale (ETS) and Empathic Skill Scale (ESS). In this study, from the orientation day to the end of the third-year, the dental students’ ETS mean scores (respectively 69.59 and 68.34) and ESS mean scores (respectively 142.53 and 140.00) showed a decline. At the end of the third-year, starting clinical rotations and taking patient responsibility may lead to decrease the empathy levels of students. The findings of our study show that female students have higher empathy tendency and skill scores compared to male students (p<0.001). In the ranking of the attributes required to be a good dentist, empathy was ranked 4th by the first-year students, while final-years students placed empathy in second rank (p<0.05). According to these results, it is possible to claim that the dentist candidates realized that being empathetic is necessary to be a good dentist. Funda Gülay Kadioglu Copyright (c) 2023 Funda Gülay Kadioglu 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 237 244 Use of patient image for medical marketing The use of imagem strategies in medical socieal networks is increasingly widespread, meeting the ethical limit established by the CEM. Knowing this, the present study sought to understand the problem of patient exposure in medical social networks. For this, a literature review was carried out from the Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Pubmed, UpToDate, LILACS databases, articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese published from 2018 onwards were included. Thus, a tendency was noticed in some cities to create laws to regulate this exposure, given that the use of images has become routine in medical advertising, as a way to demonstrate results. However, this practice is greatly accompanied by ethical failures as recommended by the CFM. Ivan Gregório Ivankovics Carlos Rafael Hurtado Madueno Júnior Aline Goulart Deziderio Débora Caroline Silva Costa Lázaro José Batista da Silva Mesquita Gislaine dos Santos Rodrigues Vieira Airton Batista Falqueti Rui Nunes Copyright (c) 2023 Ivan Gregório Ivankovics, Carlos Rafael Hurtado Madueno Júnior, Aline Goulart Deziderio, Débora Caroline Silva Costa, Lázaro José Batista da Silva Mesquita, Gislaine dos Santos Rodrigues Vieira, Airton Batista Falqueti, Rui Nunes 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 245 248 Challenges and principled responses to privacy protection from biometric technology in China Biometric technology has transformed human biological characteristics into a new form of privacy, and the misuse of this technology poses challenges to protecting this new privacy. This article initially defines biometric technology and biometric characteristics, further demonstrating why biometric characteristics belong to personal privacy and how biometric technology poses challenges to its protection. Through analysis, this article argues that the essence of these challenges is the conflicts between the ethical principle of privacy protection and the ethical principle of maximizing social benefits. In order to address these challenges, it is necessary first to weigh the fundamental ethical principles. The two basic principles of privacy protection and maximizing social benefits are not mutual antagonism but hierarchy, and this hierarchy should be based on the principle of practical feasibility. That is, applying biometric technology should first meet the principle of practical feasibility and, on this premise, realize the principle of maximizing social benefits based on not infringing on the principle of privacy protection. Yi Zhang Bohua Liao Ruipeng Lei Copyright (c) 2023 Bohua Liao, Yi Zhang, Ruipeng Lei 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 249 258 Face, facial recognition technology and personal privacy The privacy problem of facial recognition technology is that commercial companies obtain people’s facial information without the consent of individuals and use facial information to infringe on the privacy of individuals. The importance of human privacy in facial recognition technology is reflected through facial ethics, which requires others to perform corresponding obligations to individuals, such as oral care. Through the analysis of the privacy issues of facial recognition technology, it is found that the two elements of “without personal informed” and “without personal consent” together form the basis for commercial companies to violate personal privacy. The principle of informed consent includes the principle of informed and the principle of consent, which is derived from the principle of informed consent in medical ethics. This paper improves the principles of informed consent in medicine and ethics to better address facial recognition privacy issues. Wei Li Menglian Hua Ying Sun Husheng Li Yanhu Lin Copyright (c) 2023 Wei Li, Menglian Hua, Ying Sun, Husheng Li, Yanhu Lin 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 259 268 Ethical and scientific considerations of the beginning of life on eugenic abortion in disabling genetic diseases in Peru The article presents current biological concepts, as well as some philosophical approaches to the beginning of life, which will be examined in relation to the need for eugenic abortion. The concept of “exdurantism” is presented, in which the combination of the new nuclear and mitochondrial genome makes the individual unique; furthermore, the genomic complex is conceived as a "somatic integrator" that directs embryonic development, and the problematic is shown in the case of rape that causes pregnancies, eugenic abortion in incapacitating genetic diseases or the use of embryos after in-vitro fertilization. The dignity of the person begins at conception. When a serious or lethal genetic disease is detected, economic and social support, diagnosis and treatment should be offered; in addition, public health should invest more in screening, diagnosis, management and research strategies. Hugo Hernán Abarca Barriga Copyright (c) 2023 Hugo Hernán Abarca Barriga 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 269 280 Conservadurismo versus liberalismo. Identidad versus situacionismo. El Legado de James Drane Fernando Lolas Stepke Copyright (c) 2023 Fernando Lolas Stepke 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 145 146 MEDICINA, RELIGIÓN, BIOÉTICA Fernando Lolas Stepke Copyright (c) 2023 Fernando Lolas Stepke 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 293 294 SOBRE LA VIDA HUMANA SEGÚN ORTEGA Y GASSET Fernando Lolas Stepke Copyright (c) 2023 Fernando Lolas Stepke 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 295 296 VALERA, LUCA. Espejos. Filosofía y nuevas tecnologías Cristián Borgoño Copyright (c) 2023 Cristián Borgoño 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 297 299 CARRASCO, MARÍA ALEJANDRA, VALERA, LUCA (editores), 50 Años de Bioética. El Futuro es Hoy Ricardo Rozzi Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Rozzi 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 301 302 James F. Drane, una vida de compromiso Benjamín Herreros Copyright (c) 2023 Benjamín Herreros 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 285 288 Hans-Martin Sass (1935-2023): in memoriam Amir Muzur Copyright (c) 2023 Amir Muzur 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 289 290 Centro de Bioética UC 1993-2023: un puente entre pasado y futuro Iván Pérez Luca Valera Paulina Ramos Copyright (c) 2023 Iván Pérez, Luca Valera, Paulina Ramos 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 291 292 HACIA UNA ÉTICA GLOBAL TRANSHISTÓRICA Fernando Lolas Stepke Copyright (c) 2023 Fernando Lolas Stepke 2023-10-18 2023-10-18 29 2 279 283