
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

Duty violation and primary criminal participation. Critical approach of the doctrine of deed-control


  • Urs Kindhäuser Catedrático y Director del Instituto de Derecho Penal de la Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Profesor honorario de la Universidad de Piura. Doctor honoris causa en la Universidad de Huánuco


The article critically reviews the so called "doctrine of deed-control"(Tatherrschaftlehre), arguing that it cannot offer a plausible criterion for the attribution ofprimary criminal responsibility. After setting forward a different conceptual proposal,grounded on a the notions of norm, duty and action, the article examines the way inwhich such a model can help to clarify the structure of more complex forms of criminalresponsibility, including not only the complete realm of complicity but also criminalnegligence.    


deed-control, norm, action, duty, complicity, negligence