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Author Guidelines


ETHIKA+ academic journal aims to publish original research papers written by national and international authors that reveal the social and biopolitical aspects of applied ethics as an alternative to publications that only focus on ethical problems that arise from a perspective of the medicalization of society and life. We intend to expand the reflective horizon of ethical issues related to life because, even though most of the subject matter that nourishes the ethical analysis of life stems from clinical framework, moved by bioethics, it is also necessary to seek for a new reflective and deliberative space that derives from both philosophy and social sciences, finally taking hold in a reflective biopolitical framework.

The works that are subject to the journal’s evaluation are reviewed anonymously by specialists. An answer with the results will be sent to each author within three months since application. Submission, edition and publication processes will be free of charge to the authors.


Form and Preparation of Manuscripts

  1. The journal publishes original research articles in applied ethics in English or Spanish.
  2. Articles presenting a discussion related to scientific research (for example, neurology or artificial intelligence) must present an updated bibliography. In this case, articles whose bibliography is older than 2000 will not be accepted. Reference to classic discussions in the field to introduce new ones is allowed.
  3. All proposed contributions must be submitted as an electronic manuscript in .doc format, font size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing.
  4. Submissions must not exceed 7,000 words in total.
  5. The manuscripts must include the author's name, e-mail address, academic degree and academic affiliation, in the case that the author has one, and the author's updated ORCID code. 
  6. Authors must send two files with their manuscript. The first one must include the data indicated in the previous point. The second manuscript should be submitted without the data above. The latter file will be subject to blind evaluation.
  7. The two files must be uploaded in the same submission to the platform. The files must not be uploaded in different submissions. In this case, the article will not be evaluated.
  8. The text without information about the author must be completely anonymized, both in its content and in the associated digital information uploaded to the platform.
  9. The text must be preceded by an abstract of up to 100 words, in Spanish and English, and a list of 5 key words, in both languages.
  10. The manuscript should include: title in English and Spanish, abstract in English and Spanish, body of the text and bibliographical references each on a separate page.
  11. Notes should be in Times New Roman 10, paragraph justified and 1.0 spacing. All notes must be numbered consecutively.
  12. The ETHIKA+ team may decide to submit for evaluation the publication of longer articles.



It is necessary that each article contains all the bibliography used for its production at the end.

Based on the APA 7 (2020) citation format, the following forms of citation will be accepted:


In-text citations:

  • Works cited or mentioned in the body of the work or in the notes should be identified by the surname of the author(s), followed by the year of publication and the page numbers necessary to locate the citation within the text. When citing the same reference two or more times in a row, do not use expressions such as "Op.cit" or "Ibid".
  • If a citation is in the body of the article, the relevant reference should be placed in brackets at the end of the citation, also in the body of the article. If the citation appears in a footnote, the relevant reference should be placed in brackets at the end of the footnote.
  • If a citation exceeds 40 words in length or more, then it should be written separately from the text, indented, without inverted commas, without italics, in the same font and font size.
  • In order to provide the page number(s), the following guideline should be followed:
  • To indicate the number of pages within the reference, it is recommended to use the character ",". (Author's surname, Year of publication of the work, p. X).
  • If a single page is cited: (surname of the author(s), year of publication of the work, p.).
  • In the case of two or more consecutive pages, "pp" is used and a hyphen must be added between them: (surname of the author(s), year of publication of the work: pp. X-Z).
  • If they are distant pages in the work cited, a comma should be added between them: (surname of the author(s), year of publication of the work: pp, pp).
  • If the referenced work has more than three authors, only the name of the first author should be cited and then abbreviated with et al (author's surname et al, year of publication of the work).



The bibliographic entries contained in the reference list must contain the following information:

In the case of a book: the author's surname and first initials, the year of publication (in brackets), the title of the book (in italics and without inverted commas), details of the edition and translation used (if relevant), and the name of the editorial house.

If it is a single author, for example:

     Ferraris, M. (2016). La Imbecilidad es cosa seria. Alianza.

If the book has two authors, for example:

     Deleuze, G y Guattari, F. (1985). El Anti Edipo: capitalismo y esquizofrenia. Paidós.

If the book has three or more authors, all names are cited separated by a ",", for example:

     Spreen, D., Flessner, B., Hurka, H. M., Rüster, J. (2018). Kritik des Transhumanismus: Über eine Ideologie der Optimierungsgesellschaft. transcript Verlag  10.14361/9783839442876   .


If it is a scientific article: the author's surname and initials, the date of publication (in brackets), the title of the article (without italics), the name of the journal (in italics and without inverted commas), the number of the volume (in italics), the number of the journal (in brackets), the numbers of the first and last page occupied by the article.

     Jaffro, L. (2006). Foucault et le problème de l’education morale. Le Télémaque1(29), 111-124.

If a journal article has a DOI, include the DOI in the reference.

     Gamio Gehri, G. (2021). Razón práctica y sabiduría trágica. Revista Ethika+, (3), 167-180. 10.5354/2452-6037.2021.61155   

If it is an article or a chapter published in a collective book: the surname and first initial of the author(s), the date of publication (in brackets), the title of the article (without italics), the preposition 'in', the first surname of the editor(s) of the work together with the initial of their first name and the initials Ed. in brackets (or Eds. if there is more than one), the title of the book (in italics and without inverted commas), page numbers indicated by the initials "pp." in brackets and the editorial house of the book.

     Candia, C. (2018). La dimensión ética de la investigación educativa. In R. Villarroel (Ed.), Ética de la investigación en educación (pp. 59-78). Ocho Libros.


Please note that if two or more chapters of a collective work are cited, they should be cited in the same reference according to the order in which they appear in the work itself.

If the citing it’s about an online journal or blog, it’s recommendable to include the surname and the initial of the author(s) of the specific content (or the name of the writer’s corporation), followed by the publication date in brackets, the title of the news or subject matter, the name of the journal or blog in italics, the number of the volume, the number of the edition, and the referenced pages. If it not possible to extract this data, it will be sufficient to provide the name of the journal or blog, followed by a link to the website.

     Agencia France Presse.  (June 22th, 2020). Pandemia del coronavirus “sigue acelerándose en el mundo”, según la OMS”. La Tercera

Note: if the article refers to works that have their own citation form (as it’s usual in classic philosophy authors), it’s recommendable to respect those norms.



  1. Single inverted commas (') are used when you want to refer to a specific concept, e.g.: We have sufficiently discussed the concept of 'compersion'. Single inverted commas are analogous to the use of the following signs: «; ».
  2. Double inverted commas are used to make it clear that what is referred to is a quotation, for example: we can see that Socrates states that "I only know that I know nothing" [then the reference is added].



  • The title of the article must be no longer than 100 characters including spaces.
  • All bibliographic references must be formatted in APA 7.
  • Reviews up to three years old at the date of the issue to be published will be evaluated. In particular cases (in the case of thematic issues) reviews of older books will be accepted.
  • Translations will be submitted for evaluation only if it can be demonstrated that the permission of the author or the publisher in charge of the original publication has been obtained.
  • From the year 2022 authors are not allowed to submit two manuscripts in a row to the same section of the journal. If one of your articles, translations or reviews was accepted, then you must wait at least three issues to resubmit a manuscript.




Manuscripts must be submitted via the platform.

If you have any questions or queries about the submission, please contact: Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Antonio Letelier S; e-mail:


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.