
Our call to publish in our next issue is now open!

The Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law) invites the academic community, both national and international, to send their articles to our website, in the "Send article" section. The article must comply the rules indicated in the "Submissions" section.

The call is open untill October 15, 2023.


Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is an original and unpublished work written in spanish or english lenguage.
  • The article has not been published or sent to evaluation to another journal.
  • The author or authors declare te be original and exclusive holders of the economic and moral rights on the article, in accordance with the provisions of the Law Nº 17.336 on Intellectual Property (Chile) and that, in case of having used another's work in the creations of the article, either totally or partially, declare to count with the respective authorizations or licenses for use of the respetive owners or that its use is expressly covered by the law.
  • The author or authors expressly released the Revista de Derecho Económico of the University of Chile's Faculty of Law, from any further liability to any legal, regulatory or contractual infrigement who eventually commits or has been commited in relation to the article submmitted. The author or authors obliged themselves to repair any damage that arise from the infringement of these or other rights.
  • By summiting an article to this platfomr, the author or authors authorize the Revista de Derecho Económico, by itself or through third parties, expressly to excercise these rights: publication, edition, reproduction,adaptation, distribution and sale of the reproduced copies, including the made available to the public for electronic or digital means, of the article, in spanish o english lenguage, in any known territory, whether or not spanish-speaking, and for all kinds of printed edition in paper and electronic o digital. This authorization is given in not exclusive, free, indefinite, perpetual and not revocable while the corresponding rights survive. The author or authors libertes the Revista de Derecho Económico of any payment or remuneration for the exercise of the aforementioned rights.
  • The author or authors agree to be submitted to the Revista de Derecho Económico's editorial rules.
  • The archive submmited is in Microsoft Word's format (.doc).
  • The article submitted has an extension between 8.000 and 12.000 words, including footnotes and bibliography.
  • The article has an abstract in spanish and english, of between 200 and 300 words.
  • The article submitted has between 4 and 5 keywords.
  • The article has a bibliography at the end of the work, standarized in the Chicago Manual of Style, according to the guidelines mention further.

Author Guidelines

The Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law) is a publication from the Economic Law Department of the University of Chile’s Faculty of Law, whose objective is to spread in the national and international legal community articles on aspects related to Economic Law. The Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law) publish two issues in a year, one at the end of June, the other at the end of December.

1.- Types of work that can be published

Our editorial line addresses matters related to Economic Law, as microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic policies, economic public order, competition, public services regulation, consumer law, banking law, stock market, tax law, accounting, commerce and international finances, environmental law and natural resources, mining law, water law, energy law, economic international law, law & economics and other matters related.

In relation to the types of work, the Journal receive: articles, monograph, original research article, report in law, jurisprudence and legislative analysis.

The papers submitted should not include personal information about the author or authors in the body of the text. That information should appear in a separate page, with the mention of the following items: 1) title of the paper (in English and Spanish); 2) name of the author or authors; 3) most recent academic degree, pointing out the corresponding university; in the case of not having an academic degree must indicate the current career and university; 4) institutional filiation; 5) contact information: phone number, email and address; 6) acknowledgements, in case that the author or authors want to do so.

When the articles are part of and research project, financed by public or private funds, or be a master or doctorate final report or essay, the author or authors should indicate this situation in the separate page mentioned above.

2.- Formal aspects

The article should be submitted complying these requirements: font Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing, leaving a space between titles and paragraphs. The page must be in letter size (21,59 x 27.94 centimeters), justified text, with 2 centimeters margins (top, bottom, left and right). The article should have an extension between 8.000 and 12.000 word, including footnotes and bibliography.

The paper must be presented in Microsoft Word format (.doc). The file must be anonymized, that is, it shouldn’t contain personal information about the author or authors (it’s recommended review the properties of the file before submitting it).

The beginning of the article should include: 1) the title in Spanish and English; 2) an abstract, with no more than 300 words, and no less than 200 words, in Spanish and English; 3) 4 or 5 keywords, in Spanish and English.

The use of quotation marks («») it’s only for verbatim quotes and colloquial expressions.

The use of cursives it’s reserved to words in a foreign language and, exceptionally, for emphasize certain words or phrases.

The titles and subtitles should be presented in Indo-Arabic numbers, without exceeding two levels (1.; 1.1.). From this numeration it’s excluded the introduction and conclusions.

The quotes and references should be indicated in the body of the text (not in a footnote). In parenthesis, pointing out the last name of the author quoted, then a point, and the year of publication of the quoted work, follow by a colon, and the page o pages quoted. Example: (Last name, year: page). The brief quotes should be including in the body of the article. The large quotes (with 4 or more lines) should be separated in paragraph aside.

Tables and graphics inserted in the text should be presented numerated, with a title and the source.

It’s prohibited the use of Latin abbreviations (as ídem, íbid y op. cit, among others).

3.- Appointments and references

The Revista de Derecho Económico’s system of reference its inspired by the Chicago Manual Style, and adapted to Spanish rules.

The quotes and references should be indicated in the body of the text (not in a footnote). In parenthesis, pointing out the last name of the author quoted, then a point, and the year of publication of the quoted work, follow by a colon, and the page o pages quoted. Example: (Arp y Polanco, 2022: 10). This references should have a correlative in the “Bibliography” section, at the end of the text.

Here are some examples in, according to the type of source:

Book with one author

In the body of the text:

(Ezrachi, 2014: 126)

In the bibliography:

Ezrachi, Ariel (2014). EU Competition Law: an analytical guide to the leading cases. Oxford: Hart Publishing.


Book with two or more authors

In the body of the text:

(Whish y Bailey, 2012: 707)

In the bibliography:

Whish, Richard y David Bailey (2012). Competition Law. Oxford University Press. Oxford.


Chapter of book

In the body of the text:

(Almudí, 2018: 365)

In the bibliography:

Almudí, José (2018). La protección de la confianza legítima en el Derecho Tributario de la Unión Europea. En Diego Marín-Barnuevo (director), La doctrina de los actos propios en el Derecho Tributario. Cizur Menor: Civitas.


Journal article

In the body of the text:

(Nehme y Mordoj, 2012: 107)

In the bibliography:

Nehme, Nicole y Benjamín Mordoj (2012). Diseños institucionales de control de concentraciones. Revista de Estudios Públicos Núm. 125 [87-137] (Disponible en: https://tinyurl.com/bdhhvw98).


Web page

In the body of the text:

(ONU, 2020).

In the bibliography:

ONU (2020). 17 objetivos para transformar nuestro mundo (Disponible en: https://tinyurl.com/yj4fft52 última visita 11/01/2023).


Chilean jurisprudence

In the body of the text:

(TDLC, Sentencia N° 160 de 2017). En el párrafo indicar el considerando correspondiente.

In the bibliography:

Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia (2017). Sentencia N° 160.


International jurisprudence

In the body of the text:

(CE, Amazon/MGM de 2022)

In the bibliography:

Comisión Europea (2022). Decisión M.10349 Amazon/MGM (Disponible en: https://tinyurl.com/fsxkh2pn).



In the body of the text:

Ley N° 19.880

In the bibliography:

Ley N° 19.880 de 2003, que establece Bases de los Procedimientos Administrativos que rigen los actos de los Órganos de la Administración del Estado.

4.- Charges of publication

The Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law) does not apply any fee for evaluate and publish the contributions it receives.


Privacy Statement

The personal data requested in this website, including directions of post, email, and telephone number details, will be used exclusively for the purposes of editing, publishing, distribution, and dissemination of the Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law), and not be communicated or transferred to third parties that are not part of the University of Chile’s Law School.