
We remind our collaborators that Revista de Estudios de la Justicia maintains its reception of articles throughout the year.

In order to comply with our editorial deadlines, articles submitted before April 30 may be published in the upcoming July issue.

About the Journal

The REJ was founded by Professor Dr. María Inés Horvitz during the deanship of Professor Antonio Bascuñán Valdés, and edited by the Center for Justice Studies. In Professor Horvitz's editorial team, Luppy Aguirre and Ema Salinas, both professors at the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile, collaborated.

Starting from 2018, the administration of REJ shifted to the Department of Criminal Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile. Currently, the editor is Professor Álvaro Castro, and the rest of the Editorial Team comprises professors Gonzalo Berrios, Lautaro Contreras, and Guillermo Silva, along with coordinator Trinidad Bórquez.


Scope and Editorial Policy

The Journal of Justice Studies is a biannual publication aimed at enriching the legal debate on both theoretical and empirical levels, making available to the scientific community the work developed by academics from our Faculty as well as from other national and foreign institutions. Therefore, the Journal of Justice Studies privileges the publication of original and unpublished works on topics of interest to legal science, in any of its disciplines and related sciences, giving preference to those related to research on justice reforms.

All submissions are evaluated for publication by two anonymous referees. As part of our editorial policy, we commit to providing a response regarding the status of each submission within one week of its receipt. If we fail to do so, authors are free to consider submitting their article to another journal.



Works submitted for publication must be original and unpublished contributions. That is, only works that have not been previously published in any other journal, newspaper, book, or other medium (whether or not they have a DOI or ISBN) can be considered for publication.

Only original works that make a substantive contribution to knowledge and are organized as an academic article can be considered for publication. It is possible to publish articles derived, for example, from undergraduate or postgraduate theses, as long as the work submitted for publication is not a literal copy of the thesis but a different product worked on as an academic article.

All submissions are evaluated upon receipt using the Turnitin system to detect potential issues of similarity with other publications that could be the result of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or duplicate publication. In case of detecting any situation of substantive coincidence (greater than 30%) with other document(s), the Journal of Justice Studies reserves the right to automatically reject the submission.


Language of Publication

The Journal of Justice Studies publishes articles written in Spanish and English.


Submission Deadlines

The Journal commits to the following deadlines for authors:

- Preliminary review of received manuscripts within one week, informing authors whether their work is formally suitable for evaluation and will proceed to peer review, or if it requires revisions before continuing the process.
- Conducting the arbitration process within five weeks, counted from when the work is formally ready for evaluation. At the end of this period, the author will be informed whether the article will be published, needs corrections for publication, or is rejected.
- Publishing approved manuscripts within four weeks after approval or correction.
The average time from submission to publication is 12 weeks.