
We remind our collaborators that Revista de Estudios de la Justicia maintains its reception of articles throughout the year.

In order to comply with our editorial deadlines, articles submitted before April 30 may be published in the upcoming July issue.

Laundry of money laundering in Chile and Argentina. Brief analysis of comparative law


  • Leonardo Germán Brond Universidad de Buenos Aires.


The author investigates the regulations concerning money laundering in Chile and Argentina since its beginnings. He analyses the development and current law in both countries according to the doctrine in vogue and its relation with the organized crime and the extradition. He works with the questions of the legislative methodology and the problems of amplitude of the types of criminal offenses. The author concludes that, in spite of the different ways followed by the legislations of Chile and Argentina, the problems of amplitude are familiar to both. The solutions to these problems of amplitude doesn’t depend on adopting an imported legislative model but to make a restrictive interpretation of criminal law. Both the Chilean legislation and the Argentinian punish essentially the same crimes, except the negligent money laundering that is penalized in Chile and not penalized in Argentina.


Money laundering, specified unlawful activity, own money laundering, organized crime, constitutional guaranties, extradition

Author Biography

Leonardo Germán Brond, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

doctor en derecho penal (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Secretario de Primera Instancia de la Defensoría General de la Nación, con funciones en la Defensoría Pública Oficial núm. 7 ante los Tribunales Orales en lo Criminal de la Capital Federal.