
We remind our collaborators that Revista de Estudios de la Justicia maintains its reception of articles throughout the year.

In order to comply with our editorial deadlines, articles submitted before April 30 may be published in the upcoming July issue.

«Coyotaje»: contradiction in the illegal entry of smuggling of migrants and the ambiguities in the legal interest protected


  • Tania Gajardo Orellana


This paper deals with normative element “illegal entry” in the “new” crime of smuggling of migrants. This criminal type was incorporated in Chile in 2011, after the signing of the Palermo Convention and its Protocols. One of the problems presented by the figure is the description of the behavior through guiding verbs (promoting or facilitating) with reference to illegal entry. Not only do we need to define what constitutes such an entry, but there is also no clarity about its requirement, which affects the type of crime in question, the place of commission and even participation. Due to the relevance and difficulties of this normative element, the main interpretations sustained both in jurisprudence and in national doctrine are discussed. The different theses seem to obey the ambiguity that reigns about the legal interest protected. This paper argues that the broad interpretation of illegal entry is consistent with border control protection. It includes a speech dedicated to the draft Migration Law, currently being processed by the National Congress, a rule to which the interpreter of this normative element should be referred in the future


Tráfico ilícito de migrantes, Entrada ilegal, Bien jurídico tutelado