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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Registration and login are necessary to send items online and to check the status of recent shipments. Go to Sign in to an existing account or Register a new account.
  • The author of an article will be considered to be the person who made important contributions in the design of the study, in the collection of data and / or analysis and interpretation of these. In case of co-authorship, the author who sends the text will explicitly declare that the work indicates all the names of the authors, who have given their approval and consent to the final version of the article.
  • The works of the authors sent to the journal must be original and unpublished, that is, they must not have been previously published, (in whole or in part). In addition, all the bibliographic sources used must be correctly cited.
  • The submission has not been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the comments to the editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • The text has a simple spacing, a font size of 12 points, italics is used instead of underlining (except in URLs), and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, instead of at the end.
  • The incorporation of the author's ORCID number is mandatory, this is a code that will uniquely identify them as researchers.

Author Guidelines

  • Works must be submitted in OpenDocument (.odt), Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or LaTeX (.tex) format.

  • They should not exceed 12,000 words, including notes and bibliographical references.

  • The title of the article must be presented in Spanish or Portuguese and in English, and must not exceed 100 characters (including spaces).

  • Each work must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words and three to five keywords, both in Spanish or Portuguese and in English.

  • Graphs, tables, charts, maps and other drawings and images must have a title,and be integrated into the text, being numbered consecutively.consecutivamente.

    • Each one of these items must indicate their source of origin.

    • To facilitate the layout work, images should also be attached.

  • Footnotes should be reserved solely for clarifying or expanding on any idea contained in the text. These should not be used for bibliographical references, which must be entered in the bibliography.

  • Reviews must have around 2,000 words and be original, presenting an analysis and critical judgment of a book, which must respond to the subject areas addressed by the Journal. Reviews are not subject to peer review, however, they are reviewed by the Editorial Team to ensure that they comply with the Journal's publication standards and policies, and the decision on publication rests in this instance.

  • Quotations or references to works by other authors must be entered according to the following formats, depending on the case:

    • Citations in the text should be made in parentheses by author, and year, followed by the page or pages cited (Lindblom, 1959:79).

      • If the work of two authors is cited, the surname of both must be included, joined by the conjunction "&".

      • If there are three or more authors, it is sufficient to cite the first author followed by et al.

      • If several works by an author or group of authors corresponding to the same year are cited, the letters a, b, c…should be added after the year indicated, both in the text and in the final section of “Bibliographic references”.

      • Likewise, the references must include all the authors not mentioned when using et al. in the citations.

    • References to the press should include, when appropriate, the title of the article cited in quotation marks and the name of the publication in italics, the date of publication and, if applicable, the page or pages. For example:

      • The Economist, 27 de enero de 2008.

      • Toner, R., “New Deal Debate for a New Era”, The New York Times, 1 de agosto de 2007.

      • El País, 9 de marzo de 2002: 28.

    • At the end of the text, in a section entitled “Bibliographic references”, a complete list of the bibliography and other sources must be included, in alphabetical order. The following formats must be followed:

      • Book:

        • Meny, I. y Thoenig, J.C. (1992), Les politiques publiques. París: PUF.

        • Weber, M. (1964 [1922]), Economía y sociedad. México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

      • Work on a collective book:

        • Sabatier, P.A. y Jenkins-Smith, H.C. (1999), “The Advocacy Coalition Framework: An Assessment”. En Sabatier, P.A., ed., Theories of Policy Process. Boulder: Westview Press.

      • Article:

        • Goodsell, C. (2006), “A New Vision for Public Administration”, Public Administration Review, 66(5): 623-635.

        • Lombardo, E. y Meier, P. (2006), “Gender Mainstreaming in the EU. Incorporating a Feminist Reading?”, European Journal of Women Studies, 13(2): 151-166. DOI: 10.1177/1350506806062753 .

      • Web page:

        • Schmitter, P.C. (2004), “On Democracy in Europe and the Democratization of Europe”, Documentos de Trabajo Política y Gestión 1. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. En línea: «» (consulta: 14 abril 2011).

  • In the event that the article has been made with public or private funding, it must be indicated prior to the list of references in a section entitled "Acknowledgments". Likewise, it is desirable to mention the people who have collaborated in the work and do not appear as signatories of the same, indicating the type of contribution made:

    • This work was funded by the National Research and Development Agency (ANID), Chile, #15130012. Thanks to professors Juan Pérez and Emilia Soto of the University of Chile for their contribution to this manuscript and to all the officials of the Municipality of Los Cisnes who participated in this work. Special thanks to the critical eye of the peer reviewers, who helped substantially improve this manuscript in its final version.


En la sección Reseñas, se presenta un análisis crítico de libros o artículos que son de particular relevancia para el desarrollo de nuestra disciplina.

Dossier: “Participación y orgs. sociales en la construcción de política social"

The social uprisings in Latin America, specifically in Colombia, Chile, Peru, Brazil, and Ecuador, are framed by a variety of structural causes and historical problems. These include the increase in inequalities, the crisis of capitalist models in the region, the rise of public debt, and the deterioration of urban living conditions, especially in terms of security and social coexistence. In this context, new forms of social participation and organization emerge, oriented towards community survival, mutual aid, and resistance against neoliberal policies, which have weakened the social fabric.

Currently, we are witnessing a scenario where social organizations in the region, through innovative modes of participation such as artivism, cyberactivism, and diverse alternatives, spontaneously and complexly adapt, seeking to claim social justice and universal welfare in state policies. In this context, the volume invites the submission of articles addressing the following topics:

  1. Theories on participation, organization, and social policy.

  2. New modes of participation and organization in public policies.

  3. Impact of social uprisings on state public action.

  4. Generation of knowledge about public policies and social organizations.

  5. New networks and actors in the region's social policies.

Manuscripts must be submitted through our submission portal. For more details on the submission process and editorial guidelines, please visit our website at

  • Deadline for article submission: August 26, 2024

  • Publication date of the dossier: November 29, 2024

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