El “7D” en los diarios económicos argentinos. Aplicación de encuadres noticiosos genéricos a la cobertura de la controversia judicial entre el Gobierno y el Grupo Clarín


  • Nadia Sabrina Koziner Academia Politécnica Militar
  • Natalia Aruguete Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina


In 2012, the Argentinean Supreme Court decided the following December 7th (“7D”) would be the expiration date for the injunction protecting Grupo Clarín, to adjust to the Audiovisual Communication Services Law N° 26,522, passed in 2009. In view of the political and economic-financial relevance this case acquired for the media market, the overall objective of this work is to analyze the news coverage that two economist newspapers, Ámbito Financiero and El Cronista Comercial, performed on the “7D”, in November and December 2012. Specifically, it attempts to: 1) Describe the frequency od the case during the examined period; 2) Corroborate the presence of the frames from a previous research, “Guilt for the conflict” and “Economic consequences”; and 3) Compare the ways of framing the “7D” by both newspapers. The work concludes that it is not possible to keep the frames as they were created in previous studies, so it was necessary to redefine them.


Framing, “7D”, prensa económica, Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual, Argentina