A cinema of beliefs. The presence of Yoruba religion in Cuban filmography


  • Anet González Valdés Universidad de La Habana


The ethnic groups brought to Cuba by slavery carried their traditions. In the barracks of the island the Yoruba religion germinated, but this culture did not remain static, quickly there was a syncretism of the African and Catholic pantheon. Cinema in Cuba has seen religion as a fertile subject. But the influence exerted by foreign productions has led to two fundamental aspects: the copying of globalized canons and the search for a national aesthetic. The present text notes that in the audiovisual language, the Afrocuban rites are conceived as a resource for the construction of a cultural physiognomy where make a dialogue the contemporary trends and the roots of Cuba. Based on the review of the main bibliography of the area and audiovisual documents, a descriptive study with a qualitative approach establishes relevant conclusions regarding the analyzed historical process. So it is understood that in the audiovisual, the treatment of the religion of African origins has mutated: while some have approached with prejudices and stigmas, others have stereotyped it and some have chosen to explain, without mysticism, the Yoruba worldview. From every perspective, Cuban filmography contains signs of the Afrocuban culture, being a mirror of the Cuban imaginary. This magical-religious system is the basis of Cuban customs and culture.


Cuba, cine, religión, afrocubano


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