Political satire in the elections of 1935 and 2016. Comparative study of female social representations in Topaze and The Clinic


  • Fabiana Rodríguez-Pastene Universidad de Playa Ancha
  • Carolina González Universidad de Playa Ancha
  • Francisco Messenet Universidad de Playa Ancha


The concept of Social Representation developed by Moscovici (1981) is taken in order to determine the attributes women were and are represented with, in politics based on the analysis of two historical moments distant in time. Two political satirical pressmedia were investigated, to be analyzed over a period of one year starting in 1934 and 2016, dates coinciding with the first and last municipal elections that had a universal vote. For the first period studied, the Topaze magazine was analyzed and for the second, the weekly The Clinic. The results show that 81 years later, the woman continues being represented as an object of ridicule; contributing through this discursive practice to naturalize structural resistances that prevents the advancement of society towards equal rights; imposing and normalizing through symbolic violence, the male predominance in the most diverse spheres.


Representación social, humor gráfico, Violencia simbólica, mujeres


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