Inequalities within the international film arena. A framework to studying Latin American film festivals



The unequal dialogues and tensions between centres and peripheries that rule the international film context referred to by Film Festival studies. The idea is directly related with the differences in importance that experts note among each one of the festivals that constitute the international circuit. The main purpose of this article is to set a model for the analysis of these unequal relationships among events. It will consider the Latin American film festival circuit and key concepts provided by the Film Festival Studies and the World-System Theories developed during the 1970s.


film festivals, Latin American cinema, peripheral cinema, core-periphery, centre-periphery, methodological proposal

Author Biography

Minerva Campos-Rabadán, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Minerva Campos Rabadán es investigadora postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva-Formación en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, es miembro de los grupos de investigación DeVisiones (UAM) y TECMERIN (UC3M).


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