A semantic pulsional analysis on two of Eduardo Frei Montalva speeches in two historical moments



This investigation describes traces of the subconscious in the speeches of Eduardo Frei Montalva, which allows us to understand the historical process of the cold war, as well as the period of the military dictatorship in Chile. Two of the speeches were dissected, due to the functioning pole in which they were enunciated.So as Levi Strauss states, there exists some closeness between the myth and the political cosmovision, a structure that contains an implication symbolic and imaginary from the point of a psychoanalytical view. The analysis was made through a semantical investigation (defined as symbolic identification) as pulsional (defined as imaginary identification) of text in sound form, which put in evidence that to the speaker the space of the body is foreclosed in the case of the dictatorship and the cold war, the Party is the arbitral figure that would change the state of things.


Semiotic, Referendum 1980, Young Homeland, Political communication

Author Biography

Macarena Orroño, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Periodista y Licenciada en Comunicación de la Universidad de Playa Ancha. Magíster en Comunicación Social de la Universidad de Chile y miembro de la Asociación Chilena de Semiótica. Apoyo en docencia en curso Investigación en Comunicación I y II, ICEI, Universidad de Chile


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