The visual discourse of the 2018 feminist movement posters : an approach from semiology


  • Agustín Villena Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


This article analyzes, from a semiotic perspective, the posters made in the framework of the Chilean student and feminist movement of May 2018. The methodology of the study is constructed from categories of semiology to identify the aspects proper to the visual composition and the symbolic aspect of the protest pieces. From the analysis of an intentional sample of posters deployed during marches and protests in public space, we decode key aspects and their relationship with the context. The results reveal the constitution of a new movement within the framework of post-materialist values, which go beyond the economistic demands, typical of 20th century movements. In the Chilean case, the feminist movement develops a "visuality of the private" which, in addition, resonates in broad sectors of society. 


Protest Poster, Semiology, Chilean Student Movement, Feminist Movement

Author Biography

Agustín Villena, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Doctor (c) en Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Magister en Comunicación Social de la Universidad de Chile. Es Profesor en la Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana. Miembro del Núcleo Milenio Arte, Performatividad y Activismo NMAPA


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