The music in the last stage of radio play El Siniestro Doctor Mortis (1960-1980)



This musicological study addresses the musicalization in Juan Marino’s El siniestro Dr. Mortis, a Chilean radio play, on its last phase (1960-1980). The objectives were: to characterize the genre of "horror music", to clarify the musicalization process of the radio drama El siniestro Dr. Mortis in that period, to identify the title and origin of the musical pieces used in the different episodes and to propose both hermeneutical hypotheses and projections based on the information found. The theoretical frame incorporated several authors, especially K. J. Donnelly and his chacterization of terror music in films, the methodology included interview, bibliographical research and listening of a wide musical repertoire. A peculiar work modality was discovered in the edition of this radio play and the use of pieces coming from concert music, film music and music libraries. 


Chilean radio play, horror, El Siniestro Doctor Mortis, Juan Marino, musicalization of radio play

Author Biography

Cristián L. Guerra-Rojas, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Filosofía con mención en Estética y Teoría del Arte y Magíster en Artes mención Musicología por la Universidad de Chile. Es académico del Departamento de Música de la Universidad de Chile desde 1993 y ha participado en calidad de investigador principal o de coinvestigador en diversos proyectos, además de presentar ponencias en congresos, seminarios y coloquios nacionales e internacionales. Ha publicado artículos en revistas tanto nacionales como internacionales.


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