Publication Policies
Comunicación y Medios is committed to furthering the public debate on communication, media, audiovisual production, culture, and related areas, by publishing and circulating content that responds to high academic and ethical standards in the intellectual production of the field.
Since its foundation in 1981, Comunicación y Medios has sought to fulfill this goal by cultivating a scientific community of authors, peer reviewers, and readers around the world. The journal has a solid Editorial Board and Committee composed of scholars from both national and international institutions, as well as an international community of reviewers. These human resources ensure the highest scientific, stylistic, formal, and ethical quality in the editorial process.
Articles submitted for any section of the journal will be reviewed by peer evaluators through a double-blind system.
Peer Review Process
All submissions are first reviewed and selected by the Editorial Board to determine whether they coincide with the journal’s focus and scope, as well as the editorial norms.
Comunicación y Medios proceeds to guarantee an anonymous and impartial system of double-blind peer review, facilitated by an international network of specialists in communication, media, journalism, culture, and related areas.
All articles that pass the first phase of editorial revision are reviewed by at least two specialists, who, preferably, hold PhDs. When the author’s institutional affiliation is the Universidad de Chile, her or his work will be evaluated by external referees. In the case of contrasting evaluations, the Editorial Board will resort to a third evaluator for resolution.
In the case of thematic dossiers, visiting editors suggest appropriate peer reviewers for the content and focus of the dossier.
Elements to consider in the revision of manuscripts include the article’s appropriateness, strength, relevance, originality, legibility, and language.
Peer reviewers will recommend the following actions: Accept, Reject, or Accept conditionally with revisions noted by reviewers.
The journal will respond to all submissions within 120 days. If the journal does not respond within this timeline, authors are free to submit the article to other publications.
If the manuscript is evaluated positively (with or without modifications) by two reviewers, the article may be published. In the case of revisions, authors will have a month to send a revised version of the manuscript, incorporating the observations. The document must use “Track changes” and attach a letter explaining how the suggestions were incorporated. Based on this material, the journal will make the final decision regarding the publication of the article and communicate with the author by e-mail.
Prior to publication, all accepted manuscripts undergo a rigorous process of proofing, editing, and comments supervised by the Editorial Committee of Comunicación y Medios. The journal verifies the English translation of titles, abstracts, and key words. If the translations are considered inadequate, we will use the journal’s official translation. During this stage, the general editor is responsible for making the final decision on whether or not to publish an article, with support from the editorial team. This decision is not subject to appeal.
During 2020, the rejection rate of manuscripts was 66% (of the 96 articles received and reviewed, 32 were published). The entire process of reception, acceptance, and publication can take on average from 4 to 5 months.
Thematic Dossier Proposals
The field of communication, media, culture, and related studies permanently undergoes epistemological questioning and tension. In this context, the thematic dossier section is open to exploring new approaches, pushing the limits of the field, identifying and critically addressing new objects of study and research problems, as well as visibilizing innovative methodologies.
Comunicación y Medios encourages the local and international academic community to propose calls for papers for this section. All proposals must be sent by e-mail to the general editors. They must be written in editable formats (.doc or similar), in 12 pt. font, 1.5 spaced. Proposals must not exceed 2,000 words, including the title of the dossier, the general objective, a bibliographic and theoretical review, cited bibliography, and information on the editors (academic background, institutional affiliation, latest publications, and institutional e-mails).
Proposals for thematic dossiers will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, which will respond within 120 days. If a proposal is accepted, all the articles included in the dossier are reviewed with the same publication criteria detailed above.
Open Access Policies
Comunicación y Medios is an Open Access Journal (OJS) and free of charge (there is no fee for users who want to access the journal’s content or who want to publish their work). Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or share any article published in Comunicación y Medios without requesting authorization, in accordance with the definitions of open and free access established by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).
Comunicación y Medios uses a LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among participating libraries, enabling the journal to preserve and restore content in permanent archives.