The central importance of the Raúl Damonde Taborda (COPI) comic work, resides in the paradigmatic condition of its production in the comic field. Obviously, this work cannot replace a proper study that would require of a deep and systematic investigation, nevertheless, I understand that it can establish some productive axes for future analyses. This paper tries, on one hand, to analyze the comic production of an author, which was published in different graphical media, taking a broad view over a period that starts in his political exile and ends in a breakthrough in his artistic trajectory. Finally, it is important to stand out that the graphical work of the author is fundamental not only to deep in the studies about comic field, and graphic humor, but also to think about bigger subjects. In other words: its production is peculiar not only because it allows the analysis of a type of particular allegory, but because in that same gesture, it transcends itself.
Vásquez, L. (2009). The graphic work of Copy: avant-garde, politics and exile. Comunicación Y Medios, (19), Pág. 129 – 145.