The body and the canvas. Performances of feminists and labor protests in Santiago


  • Nicolás Orellana Águila Universidad de Chile
  • Catalina Chamorro Ríos Universidad Católica del Maule


Social Mobilizations analysis in Chile has focused mainly on rationalities, strategies, and objectives of protests. Performativity and body are emergent but rather marginal subjects in protest studies. This article analyses these elements by the observation of two demonstrations: the feminist 8M manifestation, and the classist and combative first of May march. By an ethnographic approach, we observe the performances of the contentious manifestation describing bodies, aesthetics and materialities deployed in these instances. The aim here is to account the complexity of the communicative processes that appears in these instances. We argue that, while in the demonstration with an experiential and de-centered character, the emphasis is centered on bodies, demonstrating that personal is political, on the other, with a collectivist and centralized nature, the canvas is the central feature, and there is a split between personal and political.


social mobilization, performance, body, contentious action, popular cultures


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